
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009

Scottish Girls about Town - 1 ♥♥♥♥♥

I learn English!The 16 short stories in "Scottish Girls about Town" should help me in.
I write my opinion in English and please my mistakes to excuse. I would be grateful for a little help, if somebody notes a big mistake.

This is a Charity-Book for "Woman Onto Work". Sixteen Authors - Scottish women - and a good cause.
"In the garden of Mrs. Pink" from Isla Dewar is the first story. No wonder, that them contain a mother who works. But it is Abigail Longmore, the daughter, which tell us her life. She's ten and so alone. Her Dad was died when she was two years old und so their is only her grandpa to play with her.
In 1972 she steel golfballs und walk in all gardens of neighborhood. So she comes to Mrs. Pink - was named Veronica Watts. The house and blooms were pink and their was also the garden gnom Robert. Mrs. Watts chats with Abigail und show her, that her mum is not only a mum but also a human. So she started to help her mother.
One day in this summer the police comes to Mrs. Pink. All the men was going in her house like "The Friday-man" ... she was a Prostitute. She must go into jail but she wents. Bevor she go, she give Abigail Robert, the gnome.
Years later the young girl understood, that these woman show her the love of her mother.

A wonderful story!
I want started to cry, when I read this. Isla Dewar (nice name!) created a emotional atmosphere and I feel in. The time is relative, it can be act now (2009). A girl was missunderstud and have no friends. A mother who is revised. Both don't come together. And then the woman who live her life with own rules.
The characters was lifelike an tell their storys beetween the lines. A smile or the ice-cubes clinking, the gnome, the look of neighbours, all show the world of Abigail Longmore.
"In the garden of Mrs. Pink" tell me a story I liked. I love it to hear about the past - for example of my mother or grandmother. Ok, 1972 is eight years bevore I was born, but in this time it was not easy for woman. I like to read about her fight against their "everyday".
And so I can say: read!
(I swap a book by TT - in german: "Ein Jahr in Green Cairns". I hope, it is greatful, too.)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Die Geschichte hört sich wirklich gut an. Und lustigerweise konnte ich mir beim Lesen deines Beitrags genau vorstellen, wie man diese Handlung verfilmen könnte - das passiert mir auch nicht oft. :)

  2. Sie ist auch gut ;)
    Den Gedanken hatte ich beim lesen übrigens auch *lach* Das Buch in deutsch ist heute angekommen und sieht sehr gut aus.
    Sehr atmosphärisch und dicht.
    Wie fandest Du denn mein Englisch?

  3. Da ich ein reiner Leser bin, wenn es ums Englische geht, fühle ich mich nicht berufen darüber zu urteilen. ;) Aber ich habe alles verstanden und mir ist nichts negativ ins Auge gesprungen! Und das ist mehr als ich über andere englische Blogeinträge im Netz sagen kann. :)

  4. Oh, na das freut mich! :)


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