
Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

E-Book-Aktion "Dollar Daze"

Vom 30. Januar bis zum 3. Februar wird eine weitere Aktion verschiedener E-Book Autoren in englischer Sprache stattfinden.
Die achtzehn Autoren und ihre Werke sind HIER zu entdecken.

In a province where magic is forbidden and its possessors are murdered by the cruel Praetor, young Ilan, born with the powerful gift of her ancestors, has only one hope for survival. Concealment. In the shadow of Dimmingwood, she finds temporary protection with a band of forest brigands led by the infamous outlaw Rideon the Red Hand.
But as Ilan matures, learns the skills of survival, and struggles to master the inherent magic of her dying race, danger is always close behind. When old enemies reappear and new friendships lead to betrayal, will her discovery of an enchanted bow prove to be Ilan’s final salvation or her ultimate downfall?

Astronomers have predicted that Earth will pass through the tail of a comet. They say people will see colorful sunsets and, best of all, a purple moon. But nobody predicts the lightning-fast epidemic that kills older teens and adults. Space dust from the comet contains bacteria that attack the human hormones responsible for puberty.
Abby Leigh awakens to a classmate banging on the door, sees a truck crashed, and finds her baby sister, Toucan, crying out for breakfast. She soon discovers why Dad hasn't fed Toucan.
Abby struggles to care for her brother and sister while scientists in quarantine race to find a cure. Meanwhile, the time bomb of adolescence ticks louder the older Abby gets.

In the court of the Tremontine king, political struggles, assassination attempts and sexual intrigue surround the newly arrived Prince Temmin. The sheltered, immature young man flounders until he finds an ally in Teacher.
Teacher is unlike anyone Temmin's ever met: magical, immortal and the keeper of the royal family's secret history, hidden in a magic book. When Temmin reads it he becomes his ancestors, experiencing everything they feel in even their most intimate moments.
At first it's exhilarating. But as Teacher's lessons continue, they force Temmin to consider hard questions of duty, consent, responsibility and choice--and to confront not just his forefathers' sins but his own.
When the gods of Love and Desire call Temmin to serve them for two years, he faces the very questions raised in Teacher's lessons. The King believes an old prophecy: if Temmin joins the Lovers' Temple the monarchy will end. The gods are irresistible, but the King is implacable. Now Temmin must decide which is more dangerous--defying his father or defying the gods.

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